Interest is the extra money the lender charges you to borrow money from them. If you borrow money, you pay interest BUT if you save or invest the money, you earn interest.
When you borrow money you need to look at the TOTAL cost you will be paying, which includes the price of the product or service, the interest, and any administrative fees. Only once you know the total cost that you will be paying, can you see whether you can afford it.
TOP TIP: Use these interest calculators to help you work out the total cost of things.
Interest Earned: When you save money you are allowing the institution where you save (e.g. the bank) the privilege of borrowing your money to their customers and for this reason, they pay you a fee called interest
Interest Charged: When you borrow money from a financial institution or purchase on credit you need to pay the bank or credit provider for the risk of lending you the money and for this reason, you pay what is also called interest
There are four things we need to know before calculating interest: